In every age, in every time, we read in the Bible how God constantly sought ways of communicating with us, His people.
Our Bible tells us stories of how, when God drew close, we kept Him at a distance….. when God showed compassion, we regarded Him with fear…..when God set out the path of freedom before us, we so often chose slavery instead.
But we read then in the Gospels of St Matthew and St Luke how God found a way to tell us of His love…. He joined our human family, becoming as we are…. and the Christmas miracle was born.
Every time we reach into the world of someone else, seeking to understand what it must be like to be as he or she is, making a space within our lives for the one who is different from us, the Christmas miracle is born again.
This year, as we are recovering from the sadness and the fragility that the Corona Virus has brought to us, may we learn anew that the Christmas miracle calls us to see all persons as a brother and sister, and that this is the greatest gift we could receive this Christmas time.
I am convinced too that this is our foundation story for a bright and new world in the wake of the virus…..
We wish everybody a very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year .